Picture of Lian Blue

Living a Better Life

If you are struggling and considering therapy, I’m here to help.

My psychotherapy practice, with sessions in London and online, provide the space and support you need to deepen your self-awareness. Through guided personal enquiry, I will help you learn to increase your emotional resilience and self-knowledge, expanding your capacity to influence how you experience yourself and your relationships. Step by step you will learn to solve problems and begin to notice changes that will transform the way you live.

I offer you my commitment and support to join you on your search for change, relief and a better life for you.

1:1 Psychotherapy

Personal therapy is a place you can come once a week to explore patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving you. Through gentle enquiry you will investigate and engage with your past, helping you to become curious about who you are and how you experience the world.

Couples and Family

Couples and family therapy provides a neutral environment to explore difficulties you are experiencing in your personal relationships. You will be invited to hear each other’s story with compassion and curiosity, learning to replace patterns of conflict with new behaviour and insight.


Tension and Trauma Release Exercise (TRE) is a set of movements that assist the body in releasing muscular tension and patterns of stress helping to both calm and recalibrate the nervous system. It is based on the fundamental idea that stress and trauma are both psychological as well as physical. 

Finding The Right Therapist Matters

The relationship developed between a client and therapist is one of the most important foundations in counselling. If the relationship feels genuine, there will be space for you to be yourself and that’s the start of meaningful change.

I value a practical and creative approach to therapy, focusing on how to help my clients develop a holistic awareness of themselves. With my help, you will explore all aspects of your life and relationships and I will encourage you to become curious about the places in your life where you struggle. Happiness is an important and worthy goal, but therapy may not always be about the search for happiness. I believe it’s about learning who you are at your core. Armed with that information you will be able to ride the waves of your life, whatever its ups and downs may be.


“Lian’s knowledge, insight and skill is outmatched only by her warmth and ease with which she is able to meet and support you in your struggle. She has taught me to have compassion for myself even in the places I have felt the most stuck. My marriage, my family life and my relationship with myself has changed immeasurably.”

-Johanna, mother of three